Auspicious, Changeable and Powerful. The Dragon in China

Barbara Hoster

In the Chinese zodiac the delightful rabbit is followed by the imposing dragon, whose year began on February 10, 2024. The dragon (long 龍) is the only mythical creature of the twelve animals of the traditional calendar. Unlike the wicked dragon of the western imagination, the Chinese dragon is a positive character, symbolizing the masculine, generative power of nature. In spring the dragon awakens, brings the rain and thus ensures growth and rebirth. Stemming from belief in the dragon as bringer of rain, a religious ritual called yu 雩 came up, that was already described in early Chinese historical works. In this ceremony, dragons made of clay were sacrificed to the accompaniment of prayers and dance.

Cosmologically, the dragon is assigned to the compass direction of the sunrise, the east. Among its miraculous abilities is the art of transformation, it can make itself small or large, visible or invisible as it wishes.

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