The China-Zentrum e.V. was established in 1988. The aim of this officially recognized nonprofit organization is to foster encounters and exchange between cultures and religions in the West and in China. The members of the China-Zentrum are Catholic aid organizations, religious orders and dioceses in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy.



Diözese Essen URL

Diözese Münster URL

Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart URL

Female Congregations

Franziskanerinnen Missionarinnen Mariens URL

Franziskanerinnen vom Regulierten 3. Orden des heiligen Franziskus URL

Institut der Barmherzigen Schwestern vom heiligen KreuzIngenbohl URL

Missions-Benediktinerinnen von Tutzing URL

Missionsschwestern vom Heiligsten Herzen Jesu von Hiltrup URL

Missionsschwestern von der Unbefleckten Empfängnis der Mutter Gottes URL

Steyler Missionsschwestern URL

Funding Agencies

Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. URL

Kindermissionswerk ,Die Sternsinger‘ e.V. URL

Kirche in Not / Ostpriesterhilfe URL

Misereor URL

Missio - Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk e.V. URL

Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Missio e.V. URL

Steyler Mission URL

Male Congregations

Augustinerchorherren des Großen St. Bernhard URL

Franziskaner URL

Jesuiten Deutschland URL

Jesuiten Österreich URL

Kapuziner URL

Missionsbenediktiner URL

Missionsgesellschaft Bethlehem Immensee URL

Salesianer Don Boscos URL

Steyler Missionare URL

Academic Institutes

Institut Monumenta Serica URL


Your Donation

In order for the China-Zentrum to continue promoting encounters and exchange between the cultures and religions of the West and China, and to continue publishing the journal China heute as well as the e-journal Religions & Christianity in Today’s China, we are in need of financial support.

Donate Now!
Sponsoring Membership


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