Gao Jingchuan
Up till now no cases of sexualised violence are known from the Catholic Church in Mainland China. The problem is not or is hardly discussed in the Chinese Church on the Main land and is generally taboo. With his thoughts on prevention concepts against sexualised violence, Gao Jingchuan, a priest of Yongnian Diocese in Hebei Province, is thus largely venturing into new territory. The following article is an excerpt from his Bachelor’s thesis in the Social Work degree programme, which he submitted in German language to the Catholic University of Applied Sci ences North RhineWestphalia, Cologne Department, in July 2021. The original thesis comprised the following chapters: 1. General Understanding of Sexualised Violence; 2. Reaction of and Measures Taken by the German Bishops’ Conference; 3. Prevention Concept of the Archdiocese of Cologne; 4. Contexts of Sexualised Violence in Chinese Society and Church; 5. Suggestions for the Development of a Preventive Protection Concept for the Church in China in the face of Sexualised Violence against Children and Young People. In the following, we publish the China related chapters 4 and 5 of the thesis with new numbering, as well as in a slightly shortened and edited form, together with excerpts from the “Introduction” and the “Concluding Reflections,” in which the author calls on the Chinese Church to immediately begin developing a protection concept to protect children and young people in its ambit from sexualised violence.