中国中心于1988年成立, 是一个被官方认可的非盈利机构. 其目的是为了促进中西方文化和宗教的相遇和交流. 中心是由分布在德国, 奥地利, 瑞士以及意大利的天主教援助机构, 修会团体以及教区所组成.



中国中心是在波恩地区行政登记部门正式注册的机构, 其注册号码: VR 5783.


§1 Name und Domicile

  1. The association bears the name "China-Zentrum e.V.".
  2. It is domiciled in Bonn and will be entered into the Register of Associations there.

§2 Purpose of the Association

  1. The purpose of the association is to foster encounters and exchange between cultures and religions in the West and in China.
    he association’s purpose is to be realized in particular by the dissemination of information and conscientization about China; by fostering of academic and social cooperation with partners in China; by the initiation and coordination of research projects on the history of Christianity and other religions within the Chinese cultural sphere; as well as by providing advice and support for projects which further these ends.
  2. The association does not primarily aim at its own economic concerns/interests, but exclusively and directly follows non-profit goals in accordance with the General Tax Code. The association operates altruistically. Its activity is not directed to making a profit.
  3. The association’s resources may only be used for purposes that are in line with its Statutes. No person may be paid for matters that are foreign to the purposes of the association, nor may anyone be paid disproportionately high compensation.
    Members receive no financial benefits from the resources of the association.

§3 Membership

  1. Both physical and legal persons may be admitted to membership in the association.
  2. The admission of new members follows upon a written application to the Board of Directors and a resolution to admit passed by a general meeting of the membership.
  3. Membership is terminated by:
    a) a written notice of termination submitted by a member,
    b) the death / cessation of legal existence of a member,
    c) expulsion.
  4. Written notice of termination may only be submitted at the conclusion of the fiscal year, with termination of membership taking effect at the conclusion of the following fiscal year.
  5. Expulsion follows upon a resolution passed by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership at a general meeting of the members.
  6. A member who terminates membership or who is expelled has no claim upon the financial or other resources of the association.
  7. In addition to full membership with all rights and duties (cf. 1-6 above), membership is also open to Patrons. Patrons are accepted exclusively in view of the financial development of the association, but they do not receive any membership rights in the legal sense, either voting rights or ownership rights. The Board of Directors has the right at any time to admit patrons to membership in the association, to issue regulations with regard to patrons, and to determine appropriate membership fees for patrons. For the expulsion of a patron, cf. § 3, No. 5. 

§4 Business year, Dues, Income

  1. The business year is the calendar year.
  2. The general assembly of the members is competent to decide the levying, type and amount of member dues.
  3. The association may accept contributions, subsidies and legacies from members and non-members as well as subsidies from public sources. Expenditures may be made only insofar as they serve the realization of the non-profit purpose and the aims of the association.

§5 Organs

The organs of the association are:

  1. the General Assembly of the members,
  2. the Board of Directors,
  3. the Advisory Board.

§6 General Assembly of the Members

  1. A general assembly of the members takes place at least once a year. The Board of Directors invites members to the general assembly in writing, at least four weeks in advance of the date scheduled, and enclosing together with the invitation the agenda for the meeting.
  2. Upon the written request of at least one third of the members, an extraordinary general assembly is to be called within a month’s time.
  3. The duties of the general assembly are:
    a) Election of the Chairperson of the Board, the Assistant Chairperson, and the  remaining members of the Board of Directors,
    b) Adoption of the Board of Directors’ annual financial report,
    c) Adoption of the membership dues,
    d) Adoption of the budget,
    e) Appointment of a financial auditor,
    f) Acceptance of the auditor’s reports and formal approval of the performance of  the Board of Directors,
    g) Resolutions concerning the admission or expulsion of members,
    h) Resolutions concerning amendments to the Statutes,
    i) Resolutions concerning the dissolution/termination of the association.
  4. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors presides over the general assembly unless prevented from doing so, in which case the Assistant Chairperson or another Member of the Board of Directors presides.
  5. Accurate minutes are to be kept of the meeting of the general assembly. These minutes  are to be signed by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and by the one taking the minutes.
  6. A resolution is passed if it gains the simple majority of those members present, unless it deals with an amendment to the Statutes or with the dissolution/termination of the association. Both amendments to the Statutes and a resolution to dissolve the association require a two thirds majority of the full membership. 

§7 The Board of Directors

  1. The Board of Directors is made up of the Chairperson, the Assistant Chairperson and at least one but not more than three other Members of the Board.
  2. The Board of Directors conducts the business of the association. After consultation with the membership at a general assembly, it appoints a Director for the ordinary administration. The Director takes part in the meetings of the Board of Directors, in which he/she has a consultative vote. By-laws regulate further details.
  3. The power to represent the association judicially as well as extra-judicially rests with two Members of the Board of Directors, among whom are the Chairperson and the Assistant Chairperson.
  4. The general assembly elects the members of the Board of Directors for a period of three years, although they remain in office until the election of a new board. The recall of an individual member of the board before the end of the term as well as re-election are both permitted.

§8 Advisory Board

  1. An advisory board will be appointed to the China-Zentrum e.V. to serve as a consultative body. 
  2. The general assembly, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, is competent to appoint members to the Advisory Board for a period of three years.
  3. The Chairperson of the Advisory Board is also the Director of the China-Zentrum e.V.

§9 Policies on sexual misconduct

The diocesan policies on sexual misconduct of the (Arch-)Diocese of COLOGNE (local diocese) apply in their currently valid version.

§10 Closure or Liquidation of the Association

In the event of the break up or liquidation of the association or of the cessation of its purpose as outlined in the Statutes, its assets are to pass to the German Catholic Mission Council (Deutscher Katholischer Missionsrat - DKMR), which is to use them exclusively and immediately for non-profit purposes.

In the event of the break up or liquidation of the association the Members of the Board of Directors are appointed as liquidators/receivers.

Unless a special court as been appointed exclusively for this purpose, the Court of Jurisdiction is Bonn, Germany. The place of execution is Bonn.

§11 Final Provision

The Board of Directors – provided that the legal quorum is present – is authorized to change these Statutes in the event that this is required by the District Court as a prerequisite to registration in the court’s Register of Associations, or if amendments are required by the government tax authorities as a pre-condition to obtaining ‘non-profit’ status. Analogously, the Board is authorized to amend the Statutes as decided by a general assembly resolution, if the general assembly has authorized it to do so.

Bonn, 1988, September 29


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