中国中心是在波恩地区行政登记部门正式注册的机构, 其注册号码: VR 5783.
§1 Name und Domicile
§2 Purpose of the Association
§3 Membership
§4 Business year, Dues, Income
§5 Organs
The organs of the association are:
§6 General Assembly of the Members
§7 The Board of Directors
§8 Advisory Board
§9 Policies on sexual misconduct
The diocesan policies on sexual misconduct of the (Arch-)Diocese of COLOGNE (local diocese) apply in their currently valid version.
§10 Closure or Liquidation of the Association
In the event of the break up or liquidation of the association or of the cessation of its purpose as outlined in the Statutes, its assets are to pass to the German Catholic Mission Council (Deutscher Katholischer Missionsrat - DKMR), which is to use them exclusively and immediately for non-profit purposes.
In the event of the break up or liquidation of the association the Members of the Board of Directors are appointed as liquidators/receivers.
Unless a special court as been appointed exclusively for this purpose, the Court of Jurisdiction is Bonn, Germany. The place of execution is Bonn.
§11 Final Provision
The Board of Directors – provided that the legal quorum is present – is authorized to change these Statutes in the event that this is required by the District Court as a prerequisite to registration in the court’s Register of Associations, or if amendments are required by the government tax authorities as a pre-condition to obtaining ‘non-profit’ status. Analogously, the Board is authorized to amend the Statutes as decided by a general assembly resolution, if the general assembly has authorized it to do so.
Bonn, 1988, September 29