On this page the China Center keeps you up to date on the situation of the religions and of the Christian Churches in China. 


Sinicization / Inculturation

Here you will find selected articles on the “sinicization” of Protestant Churches in China and the inculturation of Protestantism in the past and present. More than 100 years ago, experiences were already gained in the translation process of the “Union Version” of the Bible from which conclusions can be drawn today for the process of sinicization of Christianity. The current religious-political course of sinicization, especially, demands integration into socialist society. In the field of inculturation, there are many examples of the creativity of Chinese song composers and artists in conveying the Christian message in popular hymns, impressive paintings, installations, woodcuts, papercuts, etc.

Tee-Kultur und die Sinisierung des protestantischen Christentums
Eine Studie des Theologen Gao Ming, in Auszügen übersetzt von Isabel Friemann PDF

Shen Xuebin
Die Union Version der Bibel und die Sinisierung des Christentums PDF

Xu Xiaohong
Am Sinisierungskurs des chinesischen Christentums festhalten und sich aktiv in die sozialistische Gesellschaft integrieren  PDF

Meiken Buchholz
Chinesische Lobpreismusik als Spiegel einer Kirche im Wandel: Die Liedsammlungen „Canaan Hymns“ und „Streams of Praise“ PDF

Isabel Hess-Friemann
Evangelization through Art in China: A Protestant Perspective PDF


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