Neben der Zeitschrift China heute und dem E-Journal Religions & Christianity in Today’s China (RCTC) gibt das China-Zentrum auch verschiedene Monographien zum Christentum in China heraus.
Introduction: ROMAN MALEK, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and His 1992 Anniversary.
I. Johann Adam Schall von Bell: The Person and His Context: PETER HANS KOLVENBACH, Johann Adam Schall von Bell – A Jesuit; ARNOLD SPRENGER, Johann Adam Schall’s Educational Foundation and the Intellectual Climate of His Time; LU YAO, Three Issues on Johann Adam Schall von Bell; CLAUDIA VON COLLANI, Johann Adam Schall von Bell: Weltbild und Weltchronologie in der Chinamission im 17. Jahrhundert; MA BIAO, Johann Adam Schall and Chinese Traditional Philosophy; JOHN W. WITEK, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and the Transition from the Ming to the Ch’ing Dynasty; LIU MENGXI, Johann Adam Schall’s Role in the Reform Period; HAO ZHENHUA, Johann Adam Schall and the Dutch First Diplomatic Mission to the Qing Empire; GIOVANNI STARY, Mandschurische Inschriften und Zeugnisse zu Johann Adam Schall von Bell; EDWARD J. MALATESTA, The Lost Sheep of Adam Schall. Reflections on the Past and Present of the Shala Cemetery.
II. Johann Adam Schall von Bell and His Chinese Contemporaries: ALBERT CHAN, Johann Adam Schall in the Diary of T’an Ch’ien’s Pei-yu lu and in the Eyes of His Contemporaries; CHEN MIN-SUN, Johann Adam Schall, Hsü Kuang-ch’i, and Li T’ien-ching; EUGENIO MENEGON, Yang Guangxian’s Opposition to Johann Adam Schall: Christianity and Western Science in His Work Budeyi ; REN DAYUAN, Philippe Wang Zheng: A Scientist, Philosopher, and Catholic in Ming Dynasty China.
III. Johann Adam Schall von Bell – Astrology, Astronomy, and Calendar: CLAUDIA VON COLLANI, Theologie und Astronomie in China; TIZIANA LIPIELLO, Astronomy and Astrology: Johann Adam Schall von Bell; HUANG YI-LONG, East–West Cultural Confrontation and Compromise in Early Ch’ing China. A Case Study on Johann Adam Schall’s Civil Calendars; ZHANG DAWEI, The “Calendar Case” in the Early Qing Dynasty Re-examined; JIANG XIAOYUAN, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and the Ptolomaic Astronomy in China; KEIZO HASHIMOTO, Johann Adam Schall and Astronomical Works on Star Mappings; GU NING, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and His Horizontal Sundial of the New Western Calendar; MINAKO DEBERGH, Les cartes astronomiques des missionaires Jésuites en Chine: de Johann Adam Schall von Bell à Ignace Kögler et leurs filiations en Corée et au Japon; YI SHITONG, Newly Found Astronomical Instruments Concerning Johann Adam Schall von Bell; NICOLE HALSBERGHE, Quotations from the Works of Johann Adam Schall in the Yixiang zhi of Ferdinand Verbiest; JEAN-CLAUDE MARTZLOFF, Notes on Planetary Theories in Giacomo Rho’s Wuwei lizhi.
IV. “Western Learning” in China: The Contribution of Johann Adam Schall von Bell: BENJAMIN A. ELMAN, The “Chinese Sciences” in Policy Questions from Confucian Civil Examinations During the Late Ming; CATHERINE JAMI, Mathematical Knowledge in the Chongzhen lishu ; PAN JIXING, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and the Spread of Georgius Agricola’s De re metallica in Late Ming China; ZHANG ZHISHAN, Johann Adam Schall von Bell and His Book On Telescopes; SUN XI, Johann Adam Schall von Bell und die westlichen „Feuerwaffen“ in China; ISAIA IANNACCONE, The Geyuan baxian biao (Trigonometric Tables) and Some Remarks about the Scientific Collaboration between Schall von Bell, Rho, and Schreck; YANG XIAOHONG, Die Haltung der chinesischen Intellektuellen zur Xixue (Westliche Lehre) am Ende der Ming- und Anfang der Qing-Dynastie. Ein Vergleich zwischen Matteo Ricci und Johann Adam Schall im Hinblick auf ihre Methode der „Evangelisierung durch Wissenschaft“; ZHANG XIAO, Modern Scientific Culture Introduced into China by Catholic Missionaries During the Ming and the Ch’ing Dynasties.
V. The Religious Writings and Activities of Johann Adam Schall von Bell: CHEN SONG, Johann Adam Schall von Bell in China: “Propagating Catholicism Through Academic Activities”; ADRIAN DUDINK, The Religious Works Composed by Johann Adam Schall, Especially His Zhuzhi qunzheng and His Efforts to Convert the Last Ming Emperor; ZHAO PUSHAN, Johann Adam Schall and His Work Zhuzhi qunzheng ; XIAO LIANGQIONG, Schall and His Chinese Work Zhuzhi qunzheng ; ANGELO S. LAZZAROTTO, Wide Apostolic Concern of Johann Adam Schall; HORST RZEPKOWSKI, Der Beitrag von Johann Adam Schall von Bell zur einheimischen christlichen Kunst.
VI. Johann Adam Schall von Bell as a Literary and Iconographic Figure: GREGORY BLUE, Johann Adam Schall and the Jesuit Mission in Vondel’s Zungchin; ADRIAN HSIA, Der literarische Beitrag zur Darstellung der Jesuitenmission in China, insbesondere des Wirkens von Johann Adam Schall von Bell; CHANG SHENG-CHING, Das Porträt von Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Athanasius Kirchers China illustrata ; HORST RZEPKOWSKI, Das Adam-Schall-Gemälde der Ars Sacra Pekinensis von Lu Hung-nien.
VII. Johann Adam Schall von Bell: Reception and Impact: HAO GUIYUAN, The Differences and Similarities of Thought and Culture between China and the West Reflected in Works Written by Jesuits in Chinese in the Early Period; YANG YI, Johann Adam Schall’s Writings in China; WANG BING, An Introduction of Some Chinese Records and Researches on Johann Adam Schall von Bell’s Scientific Activities; YOSHIDA TADASHI, The Works of Johann Adam Schall von Bell in Tokugawa Japan; GU WEIMIN; Erläuterungen und Forschungen zu Johann Adam Schall von Bell in China im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert; TATJANA A. PANG, Russian Evidence of Johann Adam Schall von Bell.
VIII. The Encounter of Europe and China: Other Examples: NOEL GOLVERS, The Development of the Confucius Sinarum Philosophus Reconsidered in the Light of New Material; RITA WIDMAIER, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’ Streben nach Harmonie zwischen China und Europa; GERLINDE GILD, The Introduction of European Musical Theory during the Early Qing Dynasty. The Achievements of Thomas Pereira and Theodorico Pedrini; PAUL SHAN, Science and Faith in China Today. – General Index with Glossary. Compiled by ROMAN MALEK.
Damit das China-Zentrum auch weiterhin Begegnugen zwischen den Kulturen und Religionen im Westen und in China fördern, sowie die Zeitschrift China heute und das e-Journal Religions & Christianity in Today's China publizieren kann, benötigen wir finanzielle Unterstützung.