On this page the China Center keeps you up to date on the situation of the religions and of the Christian Churches in China. 


Charity / Social Services

On this page you will find selected articles which focus on charities of the religions in China. These charitable activities juridically fall under the charity law (cishanfa 慈善法) which, inter alia, deals with the characteristics of charitable organizations and with the rules for the collecting of charitable donations. Furthermore, government guidelines concerning charitable activities of religious circles dated February 16, 2012 were issued.

Katharina Wenzel-Teuber
Revision des „Charity Law“ der Volksrepublik China am 29. Dezember 2023 verabschiedet (S. 6-7) PDF

Katharina Wenzel-Teuber
Chinesische Städte im Lockdown – und die Kirchen? (S. 76-77) PDF

Jan Kwee
Hochwasser in Henan und Shanxi
Kirchliche Organisationen beteiligen sich an der Hilfe für die Flutopfer  PDF

John B. Zhang
Religiöse Wohltätigkeitsunternehmungen:
Chancen und Herausforderungen in der neuen Situation PDF

Gemeinnützigkeitsgesetz der Volksrepublik China
中华人民共和国慈善法 (01.09.2016) PDF

Ansichten zur Ermutigung der religiösen Kreise zur Durchführung von Wohltätigkeitsaktivitäten und zu deren Regulierung
关于鼓励和规范宗教界从事公益慈善活动 的意见 (16.02.2012) PDF

Catholic Church

Here you will find several articles concerning the activities of the Catholic Church and of faith-based NGOs in the areas of charity and social services which range from disaster relief to the care for the elderly in China by community-based services, as well as examples from the history of charitable engagement.

Leopold Leeb
Lu Bohong, the “Forgotten Saint” of Shanghai PDF

Joseph Loftus
“Walk before you can run”
The Catholic Church and the Care of China’s Elderly PDF

John B. Zhang
Walking in Love and Service Together with China and the Chinese Church PDF

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